
Friday, July 14, 2017

Python & Oracle SQL Hash + Regexp Replace Equivalents -- random note to self

Oracle SQL, for pulling from ERP:

standard_hash(regexp_replace(COLUMNNAMEGOESHERE, '\s', ''), 'SHA1')

Python, for cleaning up old values already loaded from ERP into Salesforce:

[hashlib.sha1(str(val).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest().upper() for val in (PANDASDATAFRAMEVARIABLENAMEGOESHERE['COLUMNNAMEGOESHERE'].str.replace(r'\s', ''))]

Note to self, lest I forget. This strips the whitespace (including line breaks) out of text, then condenses it into a 40-character hash of itself. Used for turning a big chunk of text that I expect to be unique in a table into a shorter Salesforce "unique external ID" text field when the table containing the text doesn't have a standard "primary key."

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