Warning: the attached Python script makes you put a password straight into the code and helps you make an end-run around all sorts of change-management best practices.
Basically, if you're not a little horrified to see this script publicly shared, you probably don't understand what it's capable of enough to be using it -- so please dont!
That said, for circumstances in which you were going to ignore a lot of change-management issues anyway, or just want to do a "check only" deploy of code to a Salesforce org, etc., this code basically lets you type a handful of classes / pages / etc. into a Python script, type in your username & password, say which tests you want to run and how you want to deploy it, and see the results really quickly.
The idea is to be almost as handy, to a developer, for small changes, as right-clicking on code files in Eclipse and "deploying" from there -- the problem with Eclipse being that it doesn't have a "Run Specified Tests" option.
At some point I might create something similar to this that lets you log into two Salesforce orgs, download a smattering of code from one to your local hard drive (instead of already having to have downloaded it with Eclipse), and proceed with the deploy from there. That really feels like playing with laziness/sloppiness fire, though (somehow seems to take out the "Would I really have deployed this just with Eclipse, anyway?" factor).
This code is probably best just for "checkOnly=TRUE" deploys. For real deploys, it's probably still best to Run All Tests, and using a "Change Set" is a lot better for anyone else who might have to stumble into your org a few weeks later and see what's been happening as far as code deploys. (And that's just a bare minimum of version control for simply-maintained orgs.)
A few notes on the code:
- Change "#'''" to "'''" around blocks of code to quickly toggle them off (no point, for example, re-logging in if your Python IDE already has your session ID in memory, and you don't want to fire up a new "deploy" just to run the "check deployment status" code again).
- "thingsToAdd" is where most of the "what you need to type" exists.
- You'll also need to set "username" & "password" values (including your security token appended to your password) in "toOrgLoginEnvelope" -- I recommend remembering to change it back by saving this script to your hard drive (if you do save it) with a filename that includes something like "INCLUDES PASSWORD" so, as you exit the IDE, you remember to change things back.
- "inputstr" will need the actual path to where you've used Eclipse to download the files you have "ready to deploy" to on your hard drive.
- "outpbase" should be somewhere easy to find and delete later, like a sub-folder on your desktop.
- "deployEnvelope" will need "checkOnly" set inside the XML itself, "testLevel" set just above it, and a (brackets-and-comma-delimited) list of tests to run towards the end of the "runtests" parameter inside the parentheses that follow the XML (if n/a, use "[]").
import os
import shutil
import base64
from xml.etree import ElementTree
import xml.dom.minidom
import requests
import re
def getUniqueElementValueFromXmlString(xmlString, elementName):
#Extracts an element value from an XML string.
#For example, invoking getUniqueElementValueFromXmlString('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><foo>bar</foo>', 'foo') should return the value 'bar'.
elementsByName = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xmlString).getElementsByTagName(elementName)
elementValue = None
if len(elementsByName) > 0: elementValue = elementsByName[0].toxml().replace('<' + elementName + '>', '').replace('</' + elementName + '>', '')
return elementValue
metadataAPIVer = '40.0'
toOrgLoginEnvelope = """<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"><soapenv:Body><login xmlns="urn:partner.soap.sforce.com"><username>{username}</username><password>{password}</password></login></soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope>""".format(
username='username', password='password')
tor = requests.post('https://login.salesforce.com/services/Soap/u/'+metadataAPIVer, toOrgLoginEnvelope, headers={'content-type':'text/xml','charset':'UTF-8','SOAPAction':'login'})
tosessid = getUniqueElementValueFromXmlString(tor.content, 'sessionId')
tohost = getUniqueElementValueFromXmlString(tor.content, 'serverUrl').replace('http://', '').replace('https://', '').split('/')[0].replace('-api', '')
toorgid = re.sub(r'^.*/([a-zA-Z0-9]{15})$', r'\1', getUniqueElementValueFromXmlString(tor.content, 'serverUrl'))
toapiver = re.sub(r'^.*/([0-9.]+)/[a-zA-Z0-9]{15}$', r'\1', getUniqueElementValueFromXmlString(tor.content, 'serverUrl'))
# EXAMPLE CODE: thingsToAdd = {'classes':[''],'pages':['']}
thingsToAdd = {'classes': {'singCaps':'ApexClass','ext':'cls','toUpl':['OpportunityETLHandler','OpportunityETLTest']}, 'pages': {'singCaps':'ApexPage','ext':'page','toUpl':['OpportunityETLPage']}}
inputstr = 'C:\\EXAMPLEFOLDER\\EclipseWorkspace\\My Sandbox\\src\\'
outpbase = 'C:\\EXAMPLETEMPFOLDER\\temppkgtouploadfromeclipse\\'
outpfiles = outpbase + '\\filesbeforezip\\'
outpzip = outpbase + 'uploadme'
# BEGIN: Code to create package
if not os.path.exists(outpbase): os.makedirs(outpbase)
if not os.path.exists(outpfiles): os.makedirs(outpfiles)
pkgroot = ElementTree.Element('Package', attrib={'xmlns':'http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata'})
for folder in thingsToAdd.keys():
innerDict = thingsToAdd[folder]
typesElem = ElementTree.Element('types')
if not os.path.exists(outpfiles+folder+'\\'): os.makedirs(outpfiles+folder+'\\')
for item in innerDict['toUpl']:
membersElem = ElementTree.Element('members')
membersElem.text = item
shutil.copy(inputstr+folder+'\\'+item+'.'+innerDict['ext'], outpfiles+folder+'\\'+item+'.'+innerDict['ext'])
shutil.copy(inputstr+folder+'\\'+item+'.'+innerDict['ext']+'-meta.xml', outpfiles+folder+'\\'+item+'.'+innerDict['ext']+'-meta.xml')
namesElem = ElementTree.Element('name')
namesElem.text = innerDict['singCaps']
verElem = ElementTree.Element('version')
verElem.text = metadataAPIVer
with open(outpfiles+'package.xml', 'w', newline='') as fw:
dom_string = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(ElementTree.tostring(pkgroot)).toprettyxml(encoding='UTF-8', indent=' ')
dom_string = '\n'.join([s for s in dom_string.decode('UTF-8').splitlines() if s.strip()]) + '\n'
# END: Code to create package
# BEGIN: Code to create ZIP
shutil.make_archive(base_name=outpzip, format='zip', root_dir=outpfiles, base_dir='./')
zipString = None
with open(outpzip+'.zip', 'rb') as f: zipString = base64.b64encode(f.read()).decode('UTF-8')
# END: Code to create ZIP
# TO DO: Figure out how to run several tests. Maybe it's just a comma-separation? I think it it's that in the point-and-click Change Set UI.
# BEGIN: Code to deploy ZIP
testLevel = 'RunSpecifiedTests' # Most common values will be 'RunSpecifiedTests' or 'RunLocalTests'
deployEnvelope = """<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:met="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata">
</soapenv:Envelope>""".format(sessionid=tosessid, zipfile=zipString, testlev=testLevel, runtests=''.join(['<met:runTests>'+x+'</met:runTests>' for x in ['OpportunityETLTest1','OpportunityETLTest2']]) if testLevel=='RunSpecifiedTests' else '')
deploytor = requests.post('https://'+tohost+'/services/Soap/m/'+toapiver+'/'+toorgid, deployEnvelope, headers={'content-type': 'text/xml', 'charset': 'UTF-8', 'SOAPAction': 'deploy'})
# END: Code to deploy ZIP
# BEGIN: Code to check deploy
checkDeployStatusEnvelope = """<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:met="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata">
</soapenv:Envelope>""".format(sessionid=tosessid, process_id=getUniqueElementValueFromXmlString(deploytor.content, 'id'))
checkdeploytor = requests.post('https://'+tohost+'/services/Soap/m/'+toapiver+'/'+toorgid, checkDeployStatusEnvelope, headers={'content-type': 'text/xml', 'charset': 'UTF-8', 'SOAPAction': 'checkDeployStatus'})
print('Id: ', getUniqueElementValueFromXmlString(checkdeploytor.content, 'id'))
print('Done: ', getUniqueElementValueFromXmlString(checkdeploytor.content, 'done'))
print('Success: ', getUniqueElementValueFromXmlString(checkdeploytor.content, 'success'))
print('Status: ', getUniqueElementValueFromXmlString(checkdeploytor.content, 'status'))
print('Problem: ', getUniqueElementValueFromXmlString(checkdeploytor.content, 'problem'))
print('NumberComponentsTotal: ', getUniqueElementValueFromXmlString(checkdeploytor.content, 'numberComponentsTotal'))
print('RunTestResult: ', getUniqueElementValueFromXmlString(checkdeploytor.content, 'runTestResult'))
print('NumberTestsTotal: ', getUniqueElementValueFromXmlString(checkdeploytor.content, 'numberTestsTotal'))
#print(getUniqueElementValueFromXmlString(checkdeploytor.content, 'details'))
# END: Code to check deploy