A year and a half ago, we had to turn off 2-way syncing in Marketo. It was messing up "Contact" record fields too badly.
Unfortunately, that also meant we lost the functionality of letting Marketo create a new "Task" for a Contact's "Activity History" every time we sent them an email. So we've got a year-and-a-half gap in such "Task" records in Salesforce to fill. (It's okay for it to be a one-off, because we're consolidating mass-mailing systems between departments and getting rid of Marketo.)
There's no easy "export a CSV file of every email we've ever sent every person in Marketo" feature in Marketo's point-and-click web-browser-based user interface. Tech support said we'd have to write code to query their REST API.
My basic algorithm is as follows:
- Use Python ("requests" library) code against the Marketo API to get a "dict" of every "Email Sent" activity in Marketo (and which LeadId it belongs to and the name of the email according to Marketo)
- Use Marketo's export functions against "All Leads" to get a CSV file containing a mapping of Marketo Lead IDs to Salesforce Contact IDs & save it to my hard drive.
- Use Salesforce's Data Loader to get a CSV file containing all existing "Task" records from the old "Marketo Sync" email tracking & save it to my hard drive.
- Use Python ("pandas" library) code to append Salesforce IDs from the CSV in step #2 to the "dict" in step #1, while subtracting emails Salesforce already knows about (match on "WhoId" & "Subject" in CSV from step #3). Write the result out to CSV.
- Use Salesforce's Data Loader to import the CSV from step #4 into the "Tasks" table of Salesforce
The Python script is:
import requests baseurl = 'https://xxx.mktorest.com' clientid = 'cid' clientsecret = 'secret' apitaskownerid = 'xxx' #(Marketo API sf user) activsincedatetime = 'yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss-GMTOffsetHH:00' accesstoken=requests.get(baseurl + '/identity/oauth/token?grant_type=client_credentials' + '&client_id=' + clientid + '&client_secret=' + clientsecret).json()['access_token'] firstnextpagetoken = requests.get(baseurl + '/rest/v1/activities/pagingtoken.json' + '?sinceDatetime=' + activsincedatetime + '&access_token=' + accesstoken).json()['nextPageToken'] def getactivs(pagetok): ems = [] activsbatchjson = requests.get(baseurl + '/rest/v1/activities.json' + '?nextPageToken=' + pagetok + '&activityTypeIds=INSERTNUMBERHERE' + '&access_token=' + accesstoken).json() if 'result' in activsbatchjson: ems.append(activsbatchjson['result']) if activsbatchjson['moreResult'] != True: return ems else: return getactivs(activsbatchjson['nextPageToken']) emailssent = getactivs(firstnextpagetoken)[0] import pandas activdf = pandas.DataFrame(emailssent, columns=['leadId', 'primaryAttributeValueId', 'primaryAttributeValue', 'activityDate']) leaddf = pandas.read_csv('c:\\temp\\downloadedmarketoleads.csv',usecols=['Id', 'Marketo SFDC ID']) joindf = pandas.merge(activdf, leaddf, how='left', left_on='leadId', right_on='Id') joindf.drop(['Id'], axis=1, inplace=True, errors='ignore') joindf.rename(columns={'Marketo SFDC ID':'WhoId'}, inplace=True) joindf['Status'] = 'Completed' joindf['Priority'] = 'Normal' joindf['OwnerId'] = apitaskownerid joindf['IsReminderSet'] = False joindf['IsRecurrence'] = False joindf['IsHighPriority'] = False joindf['IsClosed'] = True joindf['IsArchived'] = True joindf['Custom_field__c'] = 'Marketo Sync' joindf['Subject'] = joindf['primaryAttributeValue'].map(lambda x: 'Was Sent Email: ' + x) joindf['Description'] = 'Marketo email history backfill' existingtasksdf = pandas.read_csv('c:\\temp\\downloadedsalesforcetasks.csv') # SELECT ActivityDate,CreatedDate,Description,LastModifiedDate,Subject,WhoId FROM Task WHERE Custom_field__c = 'Marketo Sync' AND Subject LIKE 'Was Sent Email: %' AND IsDeleted = FALSE existingtasksdf['matched'] = True not_existing = pandas.merge(joindf, existingtasksdf, how='left', on=['WhoId','Subject']) not_existing = not_existing[pandas.isnull(not_existing['matched'])] not_existing.drop(['matched'], axis=1, inplace=True, errors='ignore') not_existing.to_csv(path_or_buf='c:\\temp\\newtasksreadyforinsert.csv', index=False)
(Note - not a lot of through given to security with respect to this script and its use of login credentials in a GET (although HTTPS) call. It's a one-off script, we're about to shut down the system, and I deleted the credentials from Marketo's configuration shortly after running the script. Your requirements may vary - you may need a more robust way of authenticating.)
Updated code coming soon - I had to change the "getactivs" section of the code from a recursive solution (not sure why that came to mind first...it just did that day...) to an interative one because it errored out when fetching half a million records 300 at a time.
I also ended up dumping the Marketo API half-million-record response's output to CSV and commenting out the post-processing part of the code, then commenting out the API-fetch and running post-processing against that CSV. The API-based fetch wasn't always getting a complete data set. (I suspect my authorization key might have been expiring. However, by the time I ran it with code to debug the problem, I was working at start-of-business, and - probably due to lower network traffic - the fetch finally ran without issue, so I'll never know. All I know is I got my data once, and once works for me.)
Finally, I ran into some snags with data Pandas couldn't read from CSV in the API output (some sort of weird em-dash in the data, I think), so the updated code will include even more low-performance kludges to work around that. (Using the CSV module and a loop to build a list-of-dicts and having Pandas read that worked.)