If there's one thing I'm passionate about after 9 months in SalesForce, it's the idea that when implementing SalesForce at a university or in a university department, it's best to start small and "natively like SalesForce."
Don't start with your "sales" departments that already have highly established databases and processes, like the Admissions department. Despite SalesForce's name having "sales" in it.
1st, start with a dean + dean's secretary who want to digitize their Rolodex. Observe their struggles and refine your user training manuals to take them into account. Write all the Reports they need.
2nd, move on to an associate dean who wants to digitize their Rolodex. Train them in with your training manuals. Write all the Reports they need.
Observe the conflicts that come up from suddenly being able to "step on each other's toes."
Refine the data model (and report organization model) if you need to, so that people can tell what data is "theirs." Think about whether that data model will be scalable to 20 or 40 different "clumps" of users who want to mark records as "records they are working with.
Make some governance ("don't edit this field unless...") manuals and pass them around to all new users. Update your training manuals (including adding sections on "how to tell whether you are working with someone," "how to tell who else is working with someone," etc. and pass them around to all new users; make sure they read the new parts.
3rd, add another user with a Rolodex.
Again, observe and improve your reports, data model, governance manuals, & training manuals - and re-train all existing users.
Now, 4th, you're ready to try taking a group of 1-4 staff with a very simple "events" model and adding them to SalesForce (perhaps using the "Campaign" object). Teach them not only what you taught the other groups, but also to set up an event (new Campaign), say that a Contact is coming to an event (add a Campaign Membership), and update whether they came to the event (update a CampaignMembership's status field). Write all the Reports they need.
Again, observe and improve your data model, governance manuals, & training manuals.
Now try letting this 4th group - the one with events - send out a mass email about to everyone that "they are working with" (or some subset thereof). Note how you show them to make sure they ONLY send it to people that THEY are working with. WRITE THIS DOWN! This is the foundation of your "how to send mass mailings with SalesForce" training manual that you're going to write.
Use the "mass mailing" training manual you just wrote to train someone else from the 4th group if there is one. See if the training manual teaches them everything you wanted them to know. Refine and publish & make sure everyone from this group is using it (plus the governance & other training manuals). And write any Reports they need in light of now starting to send mass mailings.
5th, add another group of 1-4 staff with a very simple "events" model (as simple as the 4th group).
Observe the conflicts that come up from suddenly being able to "step on each other's toes" with respect to events management.
Refine the data model if you need to, so that people can tell what data is "theirs." Think about whether that data model will be scalable to 20 or 40 different "clumps" of users who want to mark records as "records they are working with.
Again, update your reports & training & governance manuals until all 5 groups (including 2 groups with "events") are working seamlessly in the same SalesForce instance ("org").
Repeat one more time w/ a 6th group - again, a small group with a very simple "events" model.
If you've gotten this far, and you've developed a successful way to document and project-manage these 6 rollouts, updates of training end users, etc. CONGRATULATIONS! You are NOW on track to start thinking about how to move past "Rolodex & simple events" departments.
But you're not all the way to a big, organized department like Admissions yet!
7th, try doing a department that already had its "Rolodex" in a relational database with "Person," "Company," and "Event" tables that are structured exactly the way SalesForce's "Contact," "Account," and "Campaign" tables are structured and doesn't have any additional tables beyond that. (That is, 1 person can work at 1 company at any given time. A company can have lots of people working at it. People, not companies, attend events. A person can attend lots of events over time. An event can have lots of people attending it.) It's okay if they have more fields on their "Person" & "Company" tables than your average business card would have previously made you add to Contact/Account/Campaign. This is going to be Round 1 of seeing what it's like to move people with an established database into SalesForce - people who are used to seeing and filtering by a higher level of detail!
Get them up and running with the appropriate modifications to data model, training/governance manuals, Reports, etc. and back-updating all other users of the system. Migrate their data from their old database and have them cut over to using SalesForce instead. Keep working with them until they're happy and there isn't anything they used to be able to do but now can't. DO NOT MOVE ON until they're 100% as productive as they were in their old database! And remember that they, in particular, are not used to having to "share" edit-permissions on their People/Companies with other sub-departments, so expect a LOT of governance updates with all existing users. It's going to be a while until they're happy. Convince your superiors to be okay with that - that they will waste less time doing "measuring twice and cutting once" than moving on until all 7 departments (especially this 7th) are using the same database in perfect harmony.
8th - do Step 7 again. Only now you have two "semi-mature" subdepartments in the same database. How do you need to change your data model to tell whose "extra fields" on Contact/Account are whose? Change all your reports/governance/training manuals and fill everybody in again.
Don't move on until every single current user (including this "8th" sub-department) is happy, no matter how slow your progress feels.
Bringing something like your Admissions department into SalesForce - especially if you need to keep your data synced to a central student/employee database - is going to be like building a house (or an addition to a house). You are working your way up from "building a birdhouse" through "building a shed" through "building a stand-alone garage" to "building an addition onto a house." The project management habits, documentation, etc. that you are gaining along the way are going to be vital when it comes time to build that home-addition.
Yes, you are spending a lot of money on SalesForce for very little revenue increase, if any, but a failed implementation for a high-revenue department isn't going to be any more profitable, either.
If the reason your university wants SalesForce is to get everybody having "intelligence" on everybody else's activities so that you can "work smarter across silos," you need to start small and work your way up - and let rollouts be done when they're done, not when you thought they'd be done.
If everything is chugging along nicely after you have 3 "Rolodex" subdepartments," 3 "Events" subdepartments, & 2 "Cut Over From Their Own Simple Database" subdepartments all playing nicely with each other, PAT YOURSELF ON THE BACK!
Ask people how they and the university as a whole have become more productive since moving from siloed data stores to a shared data store. Take notes. (If they haven't, this might be a good time to get everybody back to their old systems and pull the plug on SalesForce. It's expensive to keep going. At least you only have to tear down a birdhouse and a shed, though.)
If net productivity is up, ask them what they had to sacrifice in terms of productivity to get these overall productivity gains. Take notes.
Share your notes with decision-makers and decide whether it's better for the university to build more birdhouses/sheds (other similar departments), which you can do quickly, or to keep working upward toward building that house (more likely home-addition). It just might be the case that SalesForce is the system of your "small departments," whereas big organized departments keep using their status-quo systems and people call/email them to find out what's going on in those systems. You're still ahead of where you used to be in the cross-silo visibility arena, and perhaps getting every last birdhouse/shed-size subdepartment into the same SalesForce org is what would bring your university the most benefit.
If your university decides to go for "building the house," remember that you still haven't even built a garage yet.
You haven't dealt with departments with quirky event structures or departments with lots of events.
You haven't dealt with departments that sell people things.
Tip: Don't start with the "admissions" department. Yes, it sells educations, but "degree" is a weird product that a customer has to inquire about, then prove they're good enough to buy, then finally buy. That's a complicated sales model. Building a "garage" is integrating a sales department that sells things anyone can buy as soon as they express interest (such as a department that offers fee-based seminars).
And if you can find more than 1 "garage"-level subdepartment to implement at your university to work with, all the better. I always advocate for seeing how similar departments step on each other's toes and resolving issues that arise before moving up to the next level of complexity.
When you finally do decide to integrate a department with strong ties to an existing central database, you are going to be so experienced at bringing users more complicated than the last into your org without messing up existing users!
Pat yourself on the back. If your goal is to break down database silos, you will be much farther along than if you had started by setting up a complex system for a complex department, only to find out that adding anybody else to the SalesForce org brings your whole house of cards tumbling down.
In my 9 months, the most impressive/"creative"/revenue-increasing higher education projects with SalesForce I've seen involve getting Rolodex/Spreadsheet systems into a proper relational database for the first time ever - NOT reinventing the wheel for super-complicated departments that are already "getting by."
For example, Algonquin's Saudi Arabia "Student Information System" isn't an integration with their main Student Information System. According to Q&A during their presentation at the SalesForce Higher Education Summit 2015, it was the first digitization of a homegrown SIS that previously lived in a bunch of spreadsheets. I'd actually call that a "garage"-level project, but they have some really skilled programmers in their IT department.
And yes, St. Norbert's is probably the standard-setter for the "Admissions-office-first" model, so if you're on that train, call them. But it's not a train ticket I recommend buying if you're just now considering SalesForce.
It seems to me that for schools with an eventual goal of integrating lots of tiny Rolodex/Excel/Access-based sub-departments into the same database, the "start small & work up" approach is best.
If you're a university that has followed this model, please contact me - I'd love to talk further! Also, you should totally present at SalesForce Higher Ed conferences - hope to watch you on YouTube one day!