Today I used the following small Python script to add a bunch of distances to a new field called "Miles_From_Us__c" on 40,000 pre-existing Contact records.
The process was as follows:
- Export "SELECT ID, MAILINGPOSTALCODE, MILES_FROM_US__C WHERE MAILINGPOSTALCODE != NULL AND MAILINGPOSTALCODE != '' AND MILES_FROM_US__C = NULL" from our Salesforce org to a CSV file on my hard drive at "c:\tempexample\contactzipextract.csv" using the "Apex Data Loader" software.
- Run the Python script in this blog post instead of bashing my head against the wall with Excel.
- Import the CSV file on my hard drive at "c:\tempexample\contactzipupdate.csv" back into our Salesforce org as an "UPDATE" operation using the "Apex Data Loader" software.
import pandas zips = ['11111','22222','33333','44444'] zipstodist = {'11111':0, '22222':1, '33333':9, '44444':21} df = pandas.read_csv('c:\\tempexample\\contactzipextract.csv', dtype='object') df = df[df['MAILINGPOSTALCODE'].str[:5].isin(zips)] df['MILES_FROM_US__C'] = df['MAILINGPOSTALCODE'].str[:5].apply(lambda x : zipstodist[x]) df[['ID','MILES_FROM_US__C']].to_csv('c:\\tempexample\\contactzipupdate.csv', index=0)
Here's an explanation of what my script is doing, line by line, for people new to Python:
- Says that I'll be using the "Pandas" plug-in to Python.
- Says which U.S. postal codes ("zip codes") I care about as a Python "list" that I give a nickname of "zips."
- I got this from the first column of a CSV file of "zip codes of interest" that a consultant sent one of my users.
- Defines the "distance from us," in miles, of each zip code of interest, as a Python "dict" that I give a nickname of "zipstodist."
- I got this from the first and second columns of a CSV file of "zip codes of interest" that a consultant sent one of my users.
- I could have cross-checked the two CSV files in Python, but I had already transformed the CSV data into this list style when writing some Salesforce Apex code for future maintenance, so copying/pasting it into Python was easier in this case.
- Reads my CSV file into Python as a Python "Pandas dataframe" that I give a nickname of "df."
- Filters out any rows whose first 5 characters of the value in the "MAILINGPOSTALCODE" column aren't among my zip codes of interest.
- Sets each row's"MILES_FROM_US__C" to the distance corresponding to the first 5 characters of that row's "MAILINGPOSTALCODE" value.
- Exports the "ID" & "MILES_FROM_US__C" columns of my filtered, transformed dataset out to a new CSV file on my hard drive.
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